In the Intermediate years, students continue to build skills in the area of Number & Algebra. Students at this level are developing their multiplicative and proportional thinking. A greater focus is also placed on the strands of Maths - Geometry, Measurement and Statistics, where students bring together their number knowledge and strategies to problem solve within a wider learning context.
Multiplicative strategies:
Students who are multiplicative in their number strategies can solve problems by choosing appropriately from a wide range of strategies that involve multiplication and division facts. Essentially they use their known multiplication and division facts to derive answers to unknown multiplication or division problems.
Proportional Strategies:
Students at this stage use their knowledge of multiplication and division to derive answers to problems that involve proportions, ratios, percentages and advanced fractional ideas.
The Maths programme is designed to develop student agency. Assessment tools are used throughout the year, to help students identify their gaps and their next steps. Students use this knowledge to choose targeted workshops appropriate to their needs - workshops can be teacher-led or student-led. During students’ independent learning time, they can choose to work collaboratively or on their own to further their learning, in either a quiet area or in a space where discussion and collaboration are encouraged. At this time, designated teachers roam the spaces to help individual students, or take mini workshops as the need arises.
Throughout all of this, achievement is tracked by both teachers and students, through the use of individual profile sheets, formative assessment and summative assessment.