Year 5-6

Year 5-6

Year 5-6

What are the children learning?

During these two years, students continue to develop their accuracy and fluency as readers of a variety of texts. They increase their level of control and independence in selecting strategies for using texts to support their learning. By the end of Year 6, students are required to read longer texts more quickly and to select appropriate strategies for different reading purposes more effectively than students in Year 5.


What does it look like in the classroom?

Students read regularly with a teacher in their whanau.  Their reading teacher will likely remain the same over the Term and know their needs and abilities well.  Small guided reading groups of 6-8 students allows the teacher to focus explicitly on the reading goals that the students have identified from their latest Reading e-asTTle and other assessment tools.  Teachers read a class novel, share news articles of interest and relevance to students, as well as students reading selected novels in ‘Literature groups’.

While the teacher works with each group, other students will be engaged in independent reading activities or follow up tasks. Students are expected to manage their set follow up tasks and independent tasks, to meet set deadlines by their teachers in Google Classroom. Technology is used to support and enhance learning, through online modelling books, collaborative slides and online interactive reading websites.

Reading at home is now a component of the assignments set by the teachers, where students are practising and applying their learning.